Pelorus Foundation

  • Pelorus Foundation conservation | Baraka Challenge
    Marine life conservation

Protect, preserve and promote our planet by supporting sustainable initiatives.

Pelorus Foundation has three main areas of focus in conservation: marine life, environmental conservation, and wildlife. They aim to create and build on existing frameworks and initiatives to accelerate the pace of change towards a more sustainable future in protecting our environment.

Pelorus Foundation acts as a catalyst to a network of individuals and organisations who are on the front lines of conservation and environmental protection, providing crucial support in the fight to protect and defend species and habitats from the myriad of threats that are faced.

Marine conservation

Protecting the underwater ecosystems and species that live in our oceans.

Environmental conservation

Sustainably protecting intricate and biodiverse habitats worldwide, from rainforests to tundra and glaciers to jungles.

Wildlife conservation

Protecting endangered wild animal species and increasing the awareness of the importance of animal conservation.

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Pelorus Foundation

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Sustain our marine and wildlife.